Forthcoming Events
Upcoming Dates
Fairhill Exhibition Winter 2018 – Friday 30th Nov 5pm / 8pm – Sat 1st Dec 11am / 5pm – (At other times by appointment only)
more about the Fairhill Exhibitions
Twice annually I hold an exhibition of my work here at our family home in Dullatur, and over the last 11 years the Fairhill Exhibitions have become a regular feature in the Scottish art calendar. As well as giving people the opportunity to see a large body of my paintings under the one roof, it also gives people the opportunity to visit the studio which is situated in the garden at the back of the house.
Exhibiting here at our home has proved to be a very winning formula, as quite apart from the experience of visiting the studio, it allows people to see the paintings within the context of a home, which I’ve always felt is a much better way to view work than trying to visualise it in their own space via a gallery wall. Exhibitions normally take place at the end of May and the end of November, so if you would like to be included on our guest list please drop me a line with your email address and home address and I will put you on the guest list.